Sometimes I wish I wasn’t how I am. Like if I could just step into someone else’s shoes for a day to see how their mind is. A lot of people I meet don’t seem to have very good control over their minds. Not saying I can control anything my mind does, but I do see a lack of ability to control anger in a lot of my friends. I notice things like this in myself but it’s not exactly the same because I just internalize the anger instead of letting it out. I really have nothing else to say. I’ve been so bored lately. Now I’m pretty much going to write a short story, I’ve always wanted someone to see my short stories but I was always too nervous to show anyone. Well… Here goes nothing…

There once was a young boy who lived in the city with his family and always dreamed of running a church but could never get it started. He went to tons of churches looking for a good one to commit to and actually ask questions at. Everyone he asked told him to just wait and a church would come to him… This boy never understood what that meant until he got stuck in a swamp house cleaning and helping with chores because his significant others parents were dying. He started to seek out like minded people to join his house-church. When no one in the swamp wanted to go to his house-church or become his friend, he went insane and had to go into a mental facility. Where they fed him pills and made him feel less and less human until he finally just believed the lies they told him. He was forced into his room and wasn’t allowed to socialize with the other people there, for some reason the nurses were afraid of him getting hurt, he was afraid of everything until he went there, so in a way it actually helped him but he hated everything about the experience.

There we go first attempt. I guess I’ll probably just write stories after my blog posts.